Extreme Camping: 16 Out-There & Open-Air Accommodations

Highline Experts Convene to Camp

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If you’re wondering how these campers could possibly have gotten to these high-strung hammocks, the answer is simple: they walked. Across a canyon, on a tightrope. The group of athletes came together for the International Highline Meeting in Monte Plana, Italy, practicing their sport and spending the night thousands of feet above ground level with only small safety ropes keeping them from dying when they inevitably slip.

Impressive Accordion Caravan: The Marquis

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‘De Markies’ by Eduardo Bohtlingk is an accordion-style camper that can increase its floorspace threefold within a matter of seconds. What makes this design extra-unique is the fact that one of the expandable sides features a transparent canopy, opening up the interiors to views of whatever location you’ve chosen. It’s one of the campers that have been featured at The Urban Campsite project in previous years, rentable on Air BNB.

The Polaris M + Purple Sperm Tent

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Two other designs featured at The Urban Campsite in 2013 are the Polaris M by Boris Duijneveld and Darwin by Atelier van Lieshout. The former looks a bit like a gigantic washing machine drum on green legs and is actually made from a reclaimed polyester silo, with a look that suggests something sort of extraterrestrial. The Darwin, meanwhile, has a design that’s a bit more biological in origin. You enter the ‘head’ of the giant purple sperm to find a bed and small desk.

The Human Nest

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Look out over the Pacific Ocean in stunning Big Sur, California from a ‘human nest’ woven out of branches and placed on a platform. Accessible by ladder, the nest accommodates two guests for what the Treebones Resort characterizes as “extreme eco-sleep.” Made by artist Jayson Fann, the sculptural camping structure is open to the air, so it can only be enjoyed properly on dry nights.