Disorienting Perspective-Shifting Animations by Dirk Koy Might Make You Dizzy

Some of Dirk Koy’s videos should come with warnings before viewing, but not for the usual reasons. If you’re at all prone to motion sickness, just watching a few seconds of these disorienting animations could turn your stomach a little.

The Basel, Switzerland-based artist specializes in short experimental films that take ordinary scenes – like cars navigating a roundabout or a diver doing a flip into a pool – into dizzying and disorienting loops you can’t seem to look away from. Frequently employing drones to rise above a landscape, Koy subverts the footage just enough to make you feel like somebody dosed you with psychedelics.

Most of these clips are posted on Instagram, YouTube and Vimeo with no comments other than some identifying hashtags, further distancing the viewer from the real place. If you can make it all the way through a series of them without feeling ill, hats off to you.