Farm-to-Desk: Vertical Urban Farm Shares Tokyo Office Space

urban farm exterior

urban farm facade

While the remodeled mixed-use Pasona facility is not exactly a secret, the building’s living green facade only indirectly hints at the vast food production going on inside of this combined commercial and agricultural space.

urban farming walls

urban space plants

Species-specific HELF, LED and fluorescent lamps are coupled with automated irrigation systems and climate control technologies through that monitor and adjust humidity, temperature and airflow.

farm apples closeup

farm wall space

The system is optimized both for human occupants by day and plants by night, to satisfy workers and optimize yields, respectively.

urban farm trellice

urban farm shelves

urban farm greens

urban farm plants

“Seasonal flowers and orange trees are planted on the balconies between the double skinned facade, partially relying on natural exterior climate to showcase changing of leaves and colors to the exterior facade. All plants are maintained and harvested by Pasona employees with the help of an agricultural specialist.”