Many of us possess so much stuff it can be hard to quantify what lurks between all of our cupboards, closets, drawers and more. One Swedish photographer set out to document just how many (or few) things a young person today can (and does) accumulate.
The result is this revealing photo series of people with their worldly possessions, shot by Sannah Kvist in the intimate settings of each owner’s space. The set was inspired by a move by Sannah, but also a reaction to an older generation’s periodic assertion that young people cannot manage the same degree of conceptual minimalism or material self-constraint.
And while we may notbewhat we own (RENT songs aside), there is more to each pile and pose than sheer mass and volume – the collections each have a distinct personality, from the specific contents to the way they are composed.
Arguably analogous to the transition toward weighing more as individuals (thanks in part to cheaper, high-calorie fast foods), there is a way in which cheaper, low-quality furniture and other everyday objects makes it all too tempting to accumulate more than we need or even want without realizing it.