Occupy Parking Spots: 15 Projects Reclaiming the Streets

Parklet Cafes
Parking Spot Hacks Cafe 1

Parking Spot Hacks Cafe 2

Sidewalk cafes can gain a lot more outdoor dining real estate when they take over adjacent parking spots, and many cities are starting programs that allow them to do just that. It’s hard to argue that half a dozen cafe tables are more valuable to a restaurant owner than a pair of parked cars, and this usage – seen here in San Francisco and Philadelphia – gives the sidewalks a European pedestrian culture sort of feel.

Yoga Studio
Parking Spot Hacks Yoga Studio

A parking lot seems like the least relaxing place to do a bit of yoga, but when the spot is claimed by mats and potted plants, it turns into a more welcoming location.

Swimming Pools
Parking Spot Hacks Swimming Pools 2

Park(ing) Day, a worldwide movement that began in San Francisco in 2005, calls for urban citizens to transform metered parking spaces into little parklets with their own individual themes. Kiddie pools are unsurprisingly popular.

Playgrounds & Games
Parking Spot Hacks Twister

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Other participants in Park(ing) Day turn the city into a playground with Twister mats and oversized games of Connect Four.

Guerrilla Advertisements
Parking Spot Hacks ads 2

Parking Spot Hacks Lunesta

Designer Andrea Gomes envisions a guerrilla ad for the sleep aid Lunesta installed in a parking spot in a busy urban area, and advertising agency Wexley School for Girls raises awareness about drunk driving with a little bit of spray paint.