Shaw House by Patkau Architects
The glass-floored swimming pool of the Shaw House by Patkau Architects hangs off the side of the second level like a watery balcony, casting its shimmering reflections all over the spaces below.
Sky Bridge Swimming Pool at Embassy Gardens by Hal Architects

The world’s first sky bridge swimming pool is set to connect two volumes of a South London apartment complex. The star feature of ‘Nine Elm’s by HAL Architects is 90 feet long, 10 stories above the ground and features a glass bottom.
Hubertus Hotel and Pool by NOA
A swimming pool dramatically cantilevers over the lawn of the Hubertus Hotel in Italy by NOA, a sinuous modern rustic complex set deep in the Dolomites. The edgeless pool lets swimmers feel like they could float right out into the clouds.
Villa Midgard by DAPstockholm
The swimming pool at DAPstockholm’s Villa Midgard is contained within a concrete box, set into a slate boulder adjacent to the main volume of the home, with a window in the side of the pool looking out into the grassy yard below.