By a Thread: 31 Excellent Works of Embroidered Art

Embroidered Wonder Bread and Toast

Embroidered Art Wonder Bread 1

Embroidered Art Toast

Embroidering on bread is enough of a ‘thing’ to have been done more than once. American artist Catherine McEver creates scenes of plants and animals on Wonder Bread, and disturbingly, they still look fine after four years. Meanwhile, Judith G. Klauser embroiders eggs, butter and mold onto actual toast.

Illustrations by Nike Schroeder

Embroidered Art Illustrations 1

Embroidered Art Illustrations 2

Embroidered portraits don’t have to be complex, layered and realistic, as proven by Nike Schroeder. In this case, the thread is left hanging in many areas for a loose, flowing, illustrative feel.

Embroidered Mattress by Louise Riley

Embroidered Art Mattress 1

Embroidered Art Mattress 2

A discarded mattress printed with colorful butterflies becomes a strikingly beautiful and unusual canvas for an embroidered portrait by UK artist Louise Riley, simulating a life-sized woman laying on top.

Animated Gif of Embroidered Running Dog


Artist Aubrey Longley-Cook creates the illusion of a running dog by photographing the backside of a series of embroidered images in this fun animated gif.

18-Page Embroidered Newspaper

Embroidered Art Newspaper

Designer Ashley Noben embroidered 18 pages of real news from a Belgian newspaper – minus the text, which would have been awfully tedious.