Custom Japanese-Style Stairs

Another example of the traditional Japanese style, these stairs by Dorset Custom Furniture are inspired by the look of a tons chest. Each step contains a drawer or cabinet.
DIY Space-Saving Ladder Stairs

Instructables has a tutorial for building your own space-saving loft ladder and stair combo, which the original poster created using 100% salvaged materials. Proceed at your own risk, since the design is likely a violation of local building codes.
Furniture as Stairs

It’s not uncommon to see adaptations of Ikea’s EXPEDIT bookcase being used as loft stairs (though the original is probably not strong enough to support that weight.) Other people take this idea in a more customized direction utilizing furniture they source themselves or building their own. This tiny house staircase consists of a series of storage boxes stacked on top of each other.
Corner Bookcase Stairs by Sarah Berry Design

A corner is put to maximum use with a staircase that extends into a built-in bookcase in this interior by Sarah Berry Design.
Beautiful Wooden Built-In Storage Staircase

The space under the stairs certainly isn’t wasted in this elegant design in a modern pinewood cabin in Tuscany by Massimo Fiorido Associati + sundaymorning. And if you don’t need the storage, they make a big visual impact left as they are.