More Map Art: 27 Cool Cartographic Sculptures & Drawings

More Map Portraits by Matthew Cusick

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Known for his intricate map-based portraits, Matthew Cusick has expanded upon previous series with ‘Oceania,’ juxtaposing images of waves with eroticized portraits of ex-colonial subjects, hinting at themes of property and ownership. Previous works were a bit quirkier, like ‘Leni,’ a portrait of a woman and her pet monkey.

Interactive Bio-Sculpture Maps

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A map of the world is recreated in living algae in Protista Imperialis, an interactive bio-sculpture by Byron Rich that makes a statement on the human degradation of natural resources.

Topographic Food Art by Stefanie Herr

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Foods packed in styrofoam are depicted as topographic maps in this strange series from Stefanie Herr. The German artist hand-cuts layers of matboard, some printed with digital imagery of the food, to create the disturbingly realistic works.