WebUrbanist: Top 10 Urbtastic Articles of 2008
Worried you might have missed something from the world's most popular urban publication? Have no fear, this article will guide you through the most popular WebUrbanist articles of the year, from ...
Worried you might have missed something from the world's most popular urban publication? Have no fear, this article will guide you through the most popular WebUrbanist articles of the year, from ...
(WUltimate guides - Collecting the Very Best of WebUrbanist Past and Present) WebUrbanist has covered everything from abandoned wonders of the world to the illicit art of exploring deserted ...
As the world moves away from the Industrial Age and deeper into the Information Age, the relics of our former industries can been seen aging and abandoned. Often, older industrial buildings and ...
Abandoned places are great for letting the imagination run wild. Whether they were once used for housing or work, buildings and sites which have been forgotten and allowed to fall into disrepair ...
What is it about abandoned buildings that's so alluring? What causes us to be fascinated by the deserted and forgotten ruins of structures that once teemed with life? It may have something to do ...
The structures and dwellings built by mankind are often simply left to be reclaimed by the elements. Whether due to a catastrophic event or the natural movement of the population to another ...
What in the world could cause an entire city to be abandoned? Some become unlivable due to environmental disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis to nuclear meltdowns (as with Pripyat, shown ...
Air travel has become a major part of our society, with industries and individuals depending on air transport for their livelihood. But have you ever wondered what happens to the artifacts of our ...
What is it about the cracking paint, the crumbling brick and the ominous silent of abandoned buildings that attracts urban explorers from around the world to crawl carefully through and silently ...
Across most of the developed world, railroad was once king. The installation of train tracks across America was a momentous occasion that made wide commercial trade possible from one coast to the ...