Knitted Camouflage: Handmade Outfits for Hiding in Built Environments

From tiled walls and wallpaper to shrubs and graffiti, this array of custom outfits helps conceal wearers within very specific urban contexts.

Photographer Joseph Ford worked with knitter Nina Dodd to make these fashion non-statements, primarily: sweaters that mimic surrounding colors and patterns.

And while they only work to partially conceal the person wearing them, and even then only in very specific places, the designs are quite nice for everyday use, too.

A few years back, a similar project by Germany artist Menja Stevenson explored a more specific subset of city patterns: public transportation textiles, often with somewhat less fashionable results.

More about Ford’s (often weird) creative work: “The best summary of what I do is ‘storytelling with a side order of off-beat creativity’. Dynamite fishing? Check. Live butterflies flying out of people’s mouths? Check. A railway line merging into a zipper? Check. A crocodile attacking Lacoste sneakers? Yup, that too.”