15 Creative Custom Company & Business Logo Designs
Clean, graphic, simple and powerful. In a sea of logos, the ones that stand out say the most with the least amount of fuss. Clever designers pack memorable corporate branding into professional ...
Clean, graphic, simple and powerful. In a sea of logos, the ones that stand out say the most with the least amount of fuss. Clever designers pack memorable corporate branding into professional ...
A logo is a company's most visible piece of visual branding, stamped on everything from billboards to promotional pens. But sometimes, you can stare at a familiar design again and again before ...
What can’t artists do with 3D computer graphics these days? Fantasy can be brought to life in ways never before imagined, and realistic scenes as clear as a digital photograph are illustrated ...
Take the bold, dynamic, careful editing of vintage poster design and combine it with modern imagery like Star Wars and Army of Darkness, and what do you get? Tom Whalen’s “Strong Stuff”, a ...
When you’re on a tight budget and up against a deadline, it can be tempting to rush a Photoshop job for an ad, a magazine cover or product packaging. But shortcuts and overzealous image editing ...
Gone are the days when a slow-loading Flash intro gave websites cool points, but failed to serve a real purpose. Flash is now an integral element of some of the most visually stimulating, ...
Watching an artist turn a piece of paper and some graphite into a realistic, imaginative work of art is amazing enough – but somehow, seeing such illustrations come to life from pixels on a ...
“Web design is 95% typography.” That quote has been repeated around the internet so many times it has practically become gospel – probably because it’s true. While images are important, ...
Naturally, those who have the most to say about design are designers themselves. They sleep, eat and breathe design day after day, wrapped up in its principles and developing their own strong ...
What makes a logo really pop? Clever use of negative space. Using “whitespace” as an active part of the design doesn’t just create visual harmony – it can also produce optical illusions ...