Lounge in an Alcove: 14 Nooks for Napping & Relaxing
Who could be blamed for lounging around reading all day when you've got a cozy built-in nook surrounded by books or overlooking a scenic landscape? These nooks, niches, window seats and bunks ...
Who could be blamed for lounging around reading all day when you've got a cozy built-in nook surrounded by books or overlooking a scenic landscape? These nooks, niches, window seats and bunks ...
What about this chaise lounge makes it worth the equivalent of approximately ten middle-class suburban homes, or 5,000 Ikea couches? The Lockheed Lounge by Marc Newson set a record for the ...
Everybody knows that there's no better place to take a nap than a hammock hung in a scenic location, but what about when you're stuck at home, or at the office, or on a city bus? Instead of ...
Spatial separation can be as much about a feeling of enclosure as a physical divider, like this set of portable lounge structures that provide a semi-secluded experience in an otherwise wide-open ...
A hammock can be as simple as some woven rope stretched between two trees, or it can be a massive, built-in 'outdoor room' for four people with a price tag of $20,000. These 13 hammocks run the ...
For those of us not ashamed to show off our favorite volumes, what better way to both keep them handy and apparent than with furniture that blends both storage and seating like the ...
Due to the many security-related incidents in recent history, airports have become the least fun places in the world. They have been rendered so morose, in fact, that not only do we miss out on all ...