Face Plants: 10 Lifeless Abandoned Garden Centers
Spring has sprung – officially, at least – as green-thumbed gardeners shop for seeds, shrubs and soil... but not at these abandoned garden centers. Speaking of green thumbs, the ...
Spring has sprung – officially, at least – as green-thumbed gardeners shop for seeds, shrubs and soil... but not at these abandoned garden centers. Speaking of green thumbs, the ...
IKEA recently launched a hydroponic gardening system to allow people to grow fresh produce at home (without soil or sunlight) and has just unveiled a similar system under development that is ...
A subversive urban agricultural group in San Francisco is turning ornamental trees into fruit-producing surprises for the local population but while technically breaking the law. A simple ...
Filling shotgun shells with flower seeds is just the latest (and loudest) in a long line of designs for guerrilla gardeners. If you are looking for a little less bang for your buck than ...
Seed bombs have long been a (non-violent) weapon of choice for guerrilla gardeners, but Flower Shells now aim to make your 12-gauge shotgun a key part of your go-green arsenal. Perhaps these will ...
Once a product's primary function has been served, most of us choose to either throw away or recycle whatever is left. An increasing number of products, though, are meant to be reincarnated as ...
There's no doubt that growing plants is a rewarding way to beautify our indoor and outdoor spaces, and gardening is increasing more in popularity with each year that passes. While you may ...
Have you ever wondered why so much public space seems to go to waste? Even apparently 'natural' green areas are carefully cultivated, requiring time, energy and water. However, these only produce ...