My Space: 15 Creatively Painted High School Parking Spots



What can we say about the high school parking space art above, other than “it’s dynamite!!” Kudos to Twitter user Mark E Hamilton for taking the time to help his son paint his assigned school parking spot. With artwork like this, there’s no way Hamilton’s scion will end up like a certain iconic high school outcast. BTW, didn’t Napoleon Dynamite take the bus to school?

MD Parking


Redditer DerivedIntegral115 admits his Futurama-themed parking space art could be better but states “I’m pretty proud of it considering the 3 hour time limit we were given. I didn’t really have time to go back and fix anything, but I’ll try to repaint that part after school one day, because his head is indeed quite abnormally shaped.” If only there was a doctor around who specialized in alien physiology…

Man Of Steel, Woman Of Asphalt


Parking in the boss’s parking spot ala Office Space takes guts; parking in Superman’s well-marked space is another level of chutzpah entirely. Unless, of course, you WANT your car to be picked up and tossed into the next county. Considering high school seniors often drive Mom’s uncool hand-me-down wheels, that could be a preferable option.

To The BatSpace!


Really dude, “Why So Serious”… OK, how about if you don’t buckle down and make your grades, you’ll flunk and end up using that same parking space for a whole ‘nother year… wait, that’s a brilliant idea!

Gorilla My Dreams


What’s more ephemeral than a senior’s painted high school parking space? An internet meme, of course, and when the two collide it’s akin to the Ghostbusters crossing the streams. OK, not really but here we are at this space photo-documented by Grace for posterity. Something tells us the student who was assigned this spot couldn’t come up with a theme until the last few minutes so he settled on this. Harambe 2016… never forget.