Sometimes a small rendering or photograph is enough to illustrate the point – but in other cases, size really does matter. By popular demand, WebUrbanist would like to announce an all new section to the site featuring photos at four to twenty times the size regularly seen in the course of ordinary articles: the Big Picture Galleries.
So far the scope is intentionally sizable like the pics themselves: from polar ‘little planet’ panoramas to sweeping skyline pictures, deserted medieval city street photos to modern underground subway station shots and urban street art images – all sourced so you can see even bigger versions in their original context and mostly available under various Creative Commons licenses for you to use as well (but be sure to check creators’ pages for exact rules).
While they are brand new, these galleries have been in the works for a while now – thanks to you. Your support and feedback helps guide our course and as you told us: sometimes small pics are just not enough and you need something huge to get the proverbial ‘bigger picture’ behind a work of art or design. Thanks to everyone for readings, subscribing via RSS, following on Twitter and being a fan on Facebook – then click here to get The Big Picture.