Sculptures Made of Straws by Sang Sik Hong

They seem soft and out-of-focus; at first, you may think they're made of wax. Get closer and you'll notice a sort of honeycomb pattern in each of these strange relief sculptures, wherein the ...

Pigs in a Box: Bizarre Balloon Animal Interior

Would 'voluptuous fat membranes' make you want to buy jackets and gowns? The Los Angeles Design Group submitted a highly unusual proposal called 'Pigs in a Box' for the BOFFO Building Fashion ...

Revolutionary Robots: 16 Cool & Crazy Creations

Artificial intelligence is getting more advanced by the day, in ways that are both scary and exciting. There are robots that can help make the world a better place - leading schools of fish away ...

Scribbled Line People: Amazing 3D Digital Art

At first, you're not sure what you're looking at. Are these strange portraits, their subjects seeming to disassemble before your very eyes, wire sculptures? They are incredibly three-dimensional, ...