What Drumsticks! 12 Thanksgiving Turkey Statues

From “jive turkeys” to WKRP's notorious televised Thanksgiving airdrop, turkeys have historically gotten less respect than the late Rodney Dangerfield... or have they? These 12 tall & ...

Ear Shift: The Top 10 Oddly Named Chinese Cars

Finding inspiring names for cars isn't easy, especially when your mother tongue isn't English and, in the case of China, there are over three dozen automakers looking to proudly dub their chariots. ...

Rural Ruins: 20 Eerie Images of Abandonments

In the last century, the human population has become increasingly urban, concentrating in city centers and suburbs. As younger generations leave and small farms are displaced by commercial ...

Watch Out: 15 Eerie Abandoned Observatories

The outlook on (or from) abandoned observatories remains negative, mainly because there's no one there to look up and no working optics to see through. Casualties of war, funding, politics and ...