WebUrbanist: Ultimate Alternative Urban Art Guide

Broadly defined, 'alternative art' is by far the most popular subject on WebUrbanist - or at least the one about which we are the most prolific. What do we mean by 'alternative' in this case? ...

20 Cool (& Creepy) Urban Vinyl Collectibles

(source: artoyzflickr) If you're a fan of comic books, action figures, or are generally a geek, then you're probably already aware of Urban Vinyl - the art of collecting vinyl figures. These ...

WebUrbanist: Top 10 Urbtastic Articles of 2008

Worried you might have missed something from the world's most popular urban publication? Have no fear, this article will guide you through the most popular WebUrbanist articles of the year, from ...

The Ultimate Banksy Art & Graffiti Image Gallery

Banksy is well known around the world in no small part due to his massive popularity online. Banksy art has made its way into all kinds of nooks and crannies on the internet but few collections ...

Top 15 Most Amazing & Exotic Houses in the World

Little boxes on the hillside aren’t for everyone. While some people might be content with a cookie-cutter home in a bland suburban neighborhood, others create truly one-of-a-kind homes with ...

Cabinets & More: 14 Home Storage Design Solutions

When the clutter gets too much to handle, you need somewhere to store it away, out of sight and away from under your feet. And it would be a shame if the dressers, chests of drawers and cabinets ...