What A Dump: 15 Out Standing Porta-Potties

Most porta-potties hide in plain sight at construction projects, public events and music festivals but these outdoor loos stick out like sore bums, er thumbs. Porta-potties are big ...

Forever A Loan: 15 Iffy Car Title Cash Loan Shops

Car title cash loan shops offer help (at a price) to those in dire financial straits but how desperate must one be to get a cash fix at any of these 15 places? If you are in Scandinavia and in ...

Tooth Or Consequences: 15 Dodgy Dental Labs

Come up to the dental lab, and see what's on the dental slab: these dental labs will definitely leave you shivering, tho' NOT with antici... pation. Looking for tomorrow's dentures today? ...

Fading To Black: 13 Abandoned TV Repair Shops

TV repair shops, once fixtures of our tuned-in society, have faded away as televisions became more reliable and the broadcast medium itself lost its relevance. Take Milbee Radio & ...

Fruitless: 10 Closed & Abandoned Apple Stores

Apple Stores and Apple authorized resellers are about as sure a thing as can be in business but even these b&m goldmines close shop and are left abandoned. There weren't any official ...