Photoshop Fail: 15 Hilariously Botched Image Edits

Forget silly things like human anatomy and the laws of physics. When it comes to Photoshop, reality needn’t apply – just clone, rotate, skew, blur and hope nobody notices. From missing limbs ...

Clonehenges: 20 Creative Recreations of Stonehenge

Stonehenge, the historic and mysterious monument on the Salisbury Plain in England, has intrigued humans for centuries. While no one is really sure what it was used for or how it was built, one ...

Tripping You Up: 8 Funniest Scenes to Stumble Upon

If you aren't already using StumbleUpon to find cool websites about all sorts of stuff, you may not get these jokes - but you should become part of the StumbleUpon social and website network! The ...