Rock n’ Knit: Low-Tech Chair-Powered Hat Factory

Lounging around in a rocking chair for an hour or two might make you feel lazy - but what if, as you were rocking, you were actually a low-tech, one-person hat knitting factory? Rocking-Knit by ...

Yarn Bombs! 51 Victims of Knitted Graffiti

Yarn bombing is graffiti that grandmothers approve of! They consist of quickly knitted additions to street objects and sculptures. Why? Because it's fun! (Telephone Box via ...

Knit Wit: More Of Olek’s Amazing Crochet Art

When it comes to knit graffiti, yarn bombing or urban knitting, New York City-based artist Agata Oleksiak (known as Olek) has got it all sewn up! The Polish-born queen of crochet specializes in ...

Steeped In Tradition: 10 Wild & Woolly Tea Cozies

When it comes to home, hearth and tradition, does it get any more British than Tea Cozies? These quintessential snuggies for teapots typically display peaceful, pastoral themes and styles but even ...