21 Radical Rugs and Must-See Modern Mat Designs

There has never been anything simple about rugs. Once the highest sign of ostentation and one of the standard units of international trade, the status of rugs has been hit hard in the age of ...

20 Unconventional Modern Lamps & Lighting Designs

Gone are the days when lighting was a background feature designed to showcase the rest of your home. Now, thanks to material and technological advances such as new forms of affordable, versatile ...

Cabinets & More: 14 Home Storage Design Solutions

When the clutter gets too much to handle, you need somewhere to store it away, out of sight and away from under your feet. And it would be a shame if the dressers, chests of drawers and cabinets ...

16 Creative Modern Tables and Crazy Table Designs

From their earliest mention in ancient Egyptian inscriptions to the modern trestle and refectory styles we know so well, tables have come a long way. Today, new materials and design methods are ...