Strange & Creepy Dolls: 12 Weird and Scary Kids Toys
Clowns have always been scary: when something targeted to juveniles has even the slightest eerie aspects, the terrifying effect is exaggerated. Here are 12 toys targeted to kids that are just ...
Clowns have always been scary: when something targeted to juveniles has even the slightest eerie aspects, the terrifying effect is exaggerated. Here are 12 toys targeted to kids that are just ...
In war, innovation can mean the difference between a glorious victory and a world shattering defeat. When research and development departments have the funding of a desperate nation behind them, ...
Have you ever thought about what your mailbox says about you? A standard box can say that you like to play by the rules, or that you just don't pay much attention to things like that and Locking ...
Most music lovers can agree that music doesn't always follow the rules. Some of the most beautiful melodies have come from artists who chose to do their own thing despite conventional wisdom. The ...
It could be said that the goal of modern art is to surprise viewers and force them to stretch their understanding of "art." By using completely new methods and/or materials, artists cause us to ...
Thanksgiving is a time for recognizing the positive things in your life, being grateful for everything you have, and acknowledging that, overall, life is good. This Thanksgiving, we're thankful ...
Nicola L. is one of those artists who has simply been around forever. She's known by only her first name and last initial, and she manages to bring unmistakable style to each and every thing she ...
Remember going to birthday parties or the carnival as a child and getting your face painted? Face painting is fun and magical, and it lets us temporarily transform ourselves. You can be just ...
Artistic inspiration can strike anywhere. For Swedish photographer Magnus Muhr, inspiration came from dead insects. As bizarre as it sounds, the photographer poses tiny dead flies onto paper, ...
Who didn't want to live in a house of Lego bricks as a child? James May, host of a new BBC series called James May's Toy Stories (also a life-long toy enthusiast and the host of Top Gear) had to ...