Imploded: 8 Burned Out & Abandoned Fireworks Factories
Skyrockets red glare and bombs bursting in air were once sweet music to these abandoned fireworks factories, many of which ended with a bang not a whimper. ...
Skyrockets red glare and bombs bursting in air were once sweet music to these abandoned fireworks factories, many of which ended with a bang not a whimper. ...
The advent of refrigerated ships radically changed the fish and seafood processing industry, leaving dozens of isolated and uneconomical canneries behind. ...
When coal mines get the shaft, only abandoned winding towers remain to mark the places where Earth's underground bounty was winched to the surface. ...
What if we filled the world with nothing but cars, or skyscrapers, or if we simply started building an industrialized mountain (like a modern-day Tower of Babel) that reached forever ...
As the disconnect between the meat we eat and the places it's processed grows, so does the number of urban and suburban abandoned meat packing plants. Take the former Swift and Company ...
Churned out by the billions in enormous unsafe factories, matches were indispensable whether the aim was repelling Morlocks or merely lighting one's pipe. ...
The spice must flow but the beer? Not always, and last call for breweries large or small is only a question of timing. These dozen decrepit, decommissioned and de-alcoholized breweries are the ...
Most oil storage tank farms are big, bland and boring, classic examples of form following function with the occasional company logo affixed to break up the visual monotony. Most but not all: there ...
Worried about the end of the world? A group of engineers has created a series of do-it-yourself machines for building (or reconstructing) society anywhere with access to light, water and ...
Finding inspiring names for cars isn't easy, especially when your mother tongue isn't English and, in the case of China, there are over three dozen automakers looking to proudly dub their chariots. ...