Bread Balks: 13 Old & Moldy Abandoned Bakeries
What becomes of bakeries when they're no longer kneaded? Do the well-bread upper crust take their dough elsewhere, cooking up some other pie-in-the-sky scheme? This baker's dozen of abandoned ...
What becomes of bakeries when they're no longer kneaded? Do the well-bread upper crust take their dough elsewhere, cooking up some other pie-in-the-sky scheme? This baker's dozen of abandoned ...
These dozen doomed ski resorts, like most seasonal winter businesses, can fall off the financial cliff by something as ironically simple as a lack of snow. ...
Hundreds of hours and in some cases over one hundred thousand pieces have gone into the creation of this series of seriously detailed LEGO models, each constructed to replicate the processes of ...
An abandoned power station that has been an iconic part of London's skyline since 1933 is transformed into a playground and museum in the "Architectural Ride London" proposal by Atelier Zündel ...
These unlocked, unloaded and unmanned abandoned police stations suggest that when the long arm of the law is crippled, the end of society must be nigh. ...
Rusted sea forts, top-secret submarine bases, sprawling military hospital complexes and entire islands still stand as silent reminders of wars long past, from Ukraine to New York's Hudson River. ...
Half the fun of exploring abandoned places is the hunt - stumbling upon obscure sites, or determining the precise location of better-known ones with a collection of vague clues from previous ...
A languishing, yellowed church in Washington D.C. underwent a dramatic transformation in every shade of the rainbow, with street artist HENSE using it like a massive urban canvas. The church is ...
These 11 unfinished, abandoned, canceled, mothballed and/or suspended nuclear power plants will, for better or worse, never know the warmth of split atoms. ...
An incredible abandoned cement factory, covered with ivy and partially in ruins, has been transformed into a massive office complex that preserves both the original architectural integrity of the ...